Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My First Thanksgiving

These Thanksgiving break pictures turned out to be in reverse chronological order. Let's start out with some cousin shots. Here's me greeting my cousin Lou with my closest gesture to a hug...

...which she promptly returns with a glamorous wave to steal the stage.

Here we are warming up to sharing camera time...

...and Dad helps me look like I am stronger. She'll be the beauty; I'll be the brawn.

After a Saturday morning walk to our local coffee shop, the snow turned Charles into an angel.

I love ladies in red.

Another photo shoot with Dad. Did I mention that I LOVED having Daddy home for 5 days. By the end of it I was definitely a Daddy's boy.

Blankets and velvet chairs...this is the life.

Lou, why is everyone staring at us?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

They love me

Uncle Joel is home! He immediately tried to rehearse good habits. Other recent Uncle training includes Uncle Spence's arm exercises that he thinks will prepare me for a left-handed pitching career. My Dad is not sold and holds Saturday football-viewings in our man-cave downstairs. It's hard to live up to family expectations...

Of course, it's easy to make Grandma happy.

Here I am skyping with Uncle Joel. It's a new generation of stayin' connected baby.

Are you going to eat me Uncle Eric?

Mom, which Grandpa is this again?

Okay, I'll take another kiss.

The beautiful Dowers smile...

...paired with Dowers laughter made an excellent evening.

I also got to meet my 4th Great-Grandma: Grandma Sanborn.

So did I prove that they love me?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Third Roadtrip: Bozeman

Last week we were so blessed to have a weekend with our dear friends the Schultzes. Charles got to meet their 2 boys, Ben and Cedric, while Charlie and I were spoiled with incredible hospitality and refreshing fellowship. In what seems like no time, God has added 3 boys to the mix of our friendship (beginnings of a football team?).
What a blessing!

Alright Cedric, on the count of three, we roll over...

Good angle on the head, hold the gaze, steady now, and lips closed. Boy we are good!

Is it just me, or is there another baby in the house?

Hey Ben- check out this plastic sunshine.

Ben has been through big-brother training!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Enjoying the Fall

Another photo shoot with Dad...we're practicing for my Senior pictures.

At Sabbath dinner last week, I got to sit at the table in my new Bumbo. I was beside myself with glee. Me, at the HEAD of the table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My schnazzy church outfit.

I know, you're jealous.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Four Generations- Mommy's side

This last week, I met my beautiful Great-Grandma Cathy
On a completely unrelated note, I also disovered my lower lip. I try to make Mom and Dad feel sorry for me, but they just laugh at me and take pictures.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My new hat and more...

To begin this story, here is my cousin Louella. She doesn't come in the rest of this story, but every good tale has to start with a beautiful girl. So, once upon a time, Lou's Mom, my Aunt Mary, another pretty lady, knit me a hat....

Moving quickly to the climax, my hat was forced upon me.

And so I cried...

...and would not be comforted.
Until I paused, rationalized, and reasoned with Mom that actually this was a very nice hat.

And so I lived happily ever the afternoon quite cozy.

Also to tack on for fun, I got to meet some new friends the Dirkses!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

14 Hour Drive for Dinner

Even after our 7600 mile road trip last summer, we didn't know if we could handle a day trip with Charles. But at 8:30am last Saturday, we headed off for Whidbey Island for the reward of Gordon's cooking. Our first dining experience at "Gordon's on Blueberry Hill" was on our honeymoon, and our now 3rd annual tradition is to celebrate our Anniversary there every summer. After only 1 pit stop and a ferry ride (yes, Charles has earned his place in the family), we arrived at our 4:00pm dinner reservation.

I love road trips--yeah, that's our boy!

Our favorite dish at Gordon's is his London broil drizzled with a raspberry balsamic reduction sauce. We also enjoyed pistachio creme brulee for dessert. We arrived safely home at 12:30am, none the worse for wear. And yes, in the name of tradition and delicious food, the drive was worth it!

Friday, September 10, 2010

My 2-month update

My newest trick

Dad makes me do my reading every day...

I had my 2-month checkup, and if you can't quite read the memo, I am up to 11 pounds! The 3 pound weights are still a little much though.

This one's for you Auntie Sam!

Dad also wants me to learn push-ups.

Okay, last bragging picture for now.