Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Smattering of my Spring

Momsie turned our house into India for the evening. I passed on the fried green beef and stuck to my favorite staple food: yogurt.

My friend Cedrick Schultz is full of the Holy Spirit.

Which one of us is NOT a Schultz?

My almost traditional after-church snooze.

I know Uncle, but what is a Great Uncle?

Uncle Spence stopped by for an evening visit and I rewarded him with substantial snuggling, a rare privilege.

Dad can make even boring mail fun.

My favorite softball buddy Miss Marisa Clemets-- not only can she put me to sleep with her IPAD when I need a nap, she also lets me help keep score.

I love Dad's leftover pancakes, and teeth to chew them with.

Dad, let me explain the Physics of this thing to you: we have to build some momentum.