Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Smattering of my Spring

Momsie turned our house into India for the evening. I passed on the fried green beef and stuck to my favorite staple food: yogurt.

My friend Cedrick Schultz is full of the Holy Spirit.

Which one of us is NOT a Schultz?

My almost traditional after-church snooze.

I know Uncle, but what is a Great Uncle?

Uncle Spence stopped by for an evening visit and I rewarded him with substantial snuggling, a rare privilege.

Dad can make even boring mail fun.

My favorite softball buddy Miss Marisa Clemets-- not only can she put me to sleep with her IPAD when I need a nap, she also lets me help keep score.

I love Dad's leftover pancakes, and teeth to chew them with.

Dad, let me explain the Physics of this thing to you: we have to build some momentum.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Guess where I took my nap today?

This week I have been learning to sign please. I will return to this theme, but first, I will provide more context for the following pictures. This morning we went to the Stout's house and it was all too fun for a nap. After we got home Momsie watered her flowers and picked up poky things while I watched from a blanket in the front yard, played with Monty (my favorite monkey), played with Auntie Jeri (our neighbor across the street), and enjoyed being my cheerful self the sunshine. Not a sign of tiredness yet. After coming inside, chasing Mom's feet around our orange chair, and cruising around the living room a bit, lunch was served.

Momsie: Holding up the applesauce, "Charles, say please."

Charles: "Sputter, giggle, sputter" (i.e. the indistinguishable laugh/whine)

So I mainly watched Momsie eat, gave pleading looks, and rubbed my eyes, but evidently this did not count as please, and so finally I mustered up the will to rub my hand across my tummy. Momsie eagerly thrust the spoonful of applesauce to my lips. I could not match her eagerness, and my lip-smacking began to match the pace of my wilting eyelids. After another minute or two, not even broccoli and cheese could rouse me to lip action, and here I was...

Monday, April 25, 2011

My First Easter

He is risen! What better reason to dress up in a sweater vest =).

Daddy took Momsie shopping for a new Easter dress.

My favorite Russian Aunt and Uncle brought us some Easter treats and sang a Russian patty-cake song with me.

We got to have Easter at the newly restored Cutter House on Lake Coeur d'Alene. What a feast! Lou and I enacted an Easter miracle and slept through the whole meal.

The after-lunch entertainment. In case you want to know who to give the man-points to, that is Uncle Joel, Uncle Spence, Uncle Pete, and my almost-Uncle Tal.


We didn't want Peter to forget his first birthday as an Uncle...

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Here we are at cousin Louella's first birthday party. Who gave the baby keys?

Apparently you multiply your age by at least 10, and that's how many presents you get at your birthday. Also, multiply your height by 4 and that will be the height of your tallest present.

Lou really was the poster-child for first bites. I'll have to start rehearsing.

Can I have one of Aunt Mary's Irish Cream cupcakes?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Early Spring Adventures

Here I am at a Gonzaga Bulldogs basketball game. My Ansett uncles made sure I would be properly attired.

My first Ferris baseball game-- go Uncle Spence!

Chillin' with "Mimi" (Grandma Leslie's new name =)

Momsie likes this one of her favorite boys...

Here I am taking my traditional Sunday nap.

And this is my morning countenance and hair-do. I am also usually chanting "Da-da."

Mom can I get a haircut?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cousin time

Last weekend, we got to stay with Uncle Joel ("Awesome"), Aunt Mary, and cousin Louella. The latter generously shared her coffee table standing space with me. You can see her impressive abilities to twist her tongue...
...and stand, hands perpendicular, at a corner!

"Lou, your stability is INCREDIBLE."

My name? Charles Earl. My game? Focus.

We would make a sympathizing pair of therapists.

A grandparent for each of us. We don't even have to share.

"Lou, he looks like my Dad. Does he look like yours?"

Personality quiz: which cousin is more hyperactive?

My 6-month photo shoot

About a month ago, Mom ("Momsie" as she refers to herself) subjected me to my first extended photo shoot. As you can tell, I hated very minute in front of the limelight. Here, you see me featured standing, oh yes standing, behind my train.

My classic orange chair hangout spot.

This angle best features my head size.

And this angle, my cheek size.

Lest the Great-Grandmas worry, Mom does not let me do this unattended.

My best side, besides the left that is.

"World out my window, how fascinating you are."

Joking aside, I am awed by the trust in this little boy's eyes.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Our 2010 Corks

This past Christmas season, our dining room centerpiece was a bowl full of red Christmas balls tossed with wine corks. But not just any wine corks. One of Charlie’s rituals after Sabbath dinners and other wine-worthy celebrations is to save the cork and Sharpie it with a nice title. Picture yourself back at the McDonalds play place in the plastic balls. You dropped something and you go digging against the quicksand. What a blessing it has been to dig through our bowl and remember some wonderful times around the table.

Let me now highlight our favorite cork of the year. Bulging at one end, it looks quite comfortable to be free from a skinny bottle neck, and stoutly bears the title “Charles’ Baptism Party 8/1/10.” This day was truly momentous. We were able to welcome our son into God’s family, surrounded by our families and our entire church body packed into our backyard. It is hard to top five smoking barbecues, over 40 pounds of tri-tip, a simmering mound of meat and rice cooked by our neighbor, a keg of good beer, a hammock bedecked with kids, 150+ brothers and sisters in Christ to celebrate with, and our sweet little collared-shirt boy snoozing in Great Grandma Lois’ lap.

If we had to pick one word to summarize 2010, it would be fellowship. “Monday dinner with Amaanda; Sunday Lunch; Dinner from the Trues; Dinner with Sam; Settlers Game Night; PDF; Leslie’s B-day Party; Family Camp- Dowers Cummings Dowers; Sabbath Dinner….” I look back at the dates and people represented in our collection, and this is how I want to remember the year: resting and clinking our knives and forks and glasses with each other and the people we love. But now I am second-guessing myself. What about our work weeks? What about Charlie’s success as a tournament host/teacher/backyard remodeler/diaper changer/date planner? What about my triumph over the burnt stock pot, new swaddling skills, or accomplishments with the Magic Eraser? Should we Sharpie these events too? Perhaps.

But I am starting to see our work, too, in the bowl of corks. I do not think you can separate the work from the rest. As we grow in faithfulness, they become a beautiful rhythm, and gain more meaning from each other. The fellowship becomes sweeter framed by days of labor. It reminds us of a Savior who has said: “It is finished,” so that we can rest, who has done it all so that we can simply be His children, and who has spilled His blood to fill our glasses.

And so I would like to propose one final toast for 2010: To the King and His abundantly kind mouthfuls.

Christmas Eve Breakfast

Christmas Dinner

Christmas Day at the Ansetts

Mom created a beautiful Narnia centerpiece...

...Complete with white-chocolate sleds handcrafted by a friend from church. "Wow" is an understatement.

Charles tried to double as Uncle Eric.

And was doted on by his adoring handsome Uncles.

And this was the only present Charles received, besides the Bumbo tray, plastic keys, Gonzaga sweatshirt, cardboard books, plastic cups and bowl, new outfit, shoes, singing frog, and did I mention the exersaucer?

Uncle Spence needed some help. Notice I am using my left hand to oblige him.

Spence's standing as funniest Uncle looks pretty good.