Thursday, May 19, 2011

Guess where I took my nap today?

This week I have been learning to sign please. I will return to this theme, but first, I will provide more context for the following pictures. This morning we went to the Stout's house and it was all too fun for a nap. After we got home Momsie watered her flowers and picked up poky things while I watched from a blanket in the front yard, played with Monty (my favorite monkey), played with Auntie Jeri (our neighbor across the street), and enjoyed being my cheerful self the sunshine. Not a sign of tiredness yet. After coming inside, chasing Mom's feet around our orange chair, and cruising around the living room a bit, lunch was served.

Momsie: Holding up the applesauce, "Charles, say please."

Charles: "Sputter, giggle, sputter" (i.e. the indistinguishable laugh/whine)

So I mainly watched Momsie eat, gave pleading looks, and rubbed my eyes, but evidently this did not count as please, and so finally I mustered up the will to rub my hand across my tummy. Momsie eagerly thrust the spoonful of applesauce to my lips. I could not match her eagerness, and my lip-smacking began to match the pace of my wilting eyelids. After another minute or two, not even broccoli and cheese could rouse me to lip action, and here I was...