Monday, February 21, 2011

Cousin time

Last weekend, we got to stay with Uncle Joel ("Awesome"), Aunt Mary, and cousin Louella. The latter generously shared her coffee table standing space with me. You can see her impressive abilities to twist her tongue...
...and stand, hands perpendicular, at a corner!

"Lou, your stability is INCREDIBLE."

My name? Charles Earl. My game? Focus.

We would make a sympathizing pair of therapists.

A grandparent for each of us. We don't even have to share.

"Lou, he looks like my Dad. Does he look like yours?"

Personality quiz: which cousin is more hyperactive?

My 6-month photo shoot

About a month ago, Mom ("Momsie" as she refers to herself) subjected me to my first extended photo shoot. As you can tell, I hated very minute in front of the limelight. Here, you see me featured standing, oh yes standing, behind my train.

My classic orange chair hangout spot.

This angle best features my head size.

And this angle, my cheek size.

Lest the Great-Grandmas worry, Mom does not let me do this unattended.

My best side, besides the left that is.

"World out my window, how fascinating you are."

Joking aside, I am awed by the trust in this little boy's eyes.